Sunday, February 3, 2013

Aitebar by Pop Maulvi

We all grew up following Vital Signs and idolizing Junaid Jamshaid and the voice of this great man, even when he went solo. Most of his songs were about love for women but the song that made this man was about his love for the country.

I have known this great man since my days at ARY and trust me when I met him and shared an interesting evening with him I knew that he is fucked up in his head and will go on to make a lot of people fool in the name of religion. Since then every time my mother would show her desire to invite him for a religious talk at our home I would veto criticizing him, to which my mother would get angry with me but thankfully she always listened to me.

Today, I heard something by this great man about the ladies who idolized him at his pop and religious concerts, who made him what he is today and trust me it was disturbing even for someone like me who is not as close to religion as my mother would like me to be, who does not believe in equality and might be considered anti-feminist (I have my reason) and who is still not comfortable sitting on a passenger seat with a lady driver. In case you guys think this is JJs first fucked up show, you might want to Google his interesting bashing of a poor white lady at a religious concert somewhere in North America.

I do not know about most of you but to me being religious does not mean you lose love for women, to me a women needs to be empowered, that does not mean equality but she must be given independence and respect. Letting your women drive, go out and do whatever she wants is the only form of sanity one expects in a civilized world. Let’s just switch the scenario and imagine yourself being held inside your home and escorted everywhere by your wife, sister or mother. Will it not be suffocating for you?

What this great man has done today is something what I feel will hurt a lot women, there will be always be one side who would blindly agree with him and might put up ridiculous bans on their women, then there will few people who will be hurt in a positive way by his senseless comments, these are those people who might have followed him in his Gillette era and continued to do so when he stopped shaving, these people will finally realize that this great man is not so great anymore and he puts a bad name to a religion, motherland and most importantly sisters, mothers and wives.

I just hope there are far greater numbers of people who are hurt positively.

What we need now is Hil Hill Pakistan!